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Shadow on Concrete Wall
la femme.jpeg

Whispering through heartfelt moments he can hear the tendencies of bitterness.


A seeping wound injected like poison covered by the social realms of acceptance.


Appearance so sweet and tender like butter wouldn't melt, a dressed up American bride, yet surreptitiously disdainful. Proof that the longevity of a wife's scorn now permeates through every room in the house.


Tutting and cursing. Belligerently smirking at his every whim, move and notion. Slowly but surely emasculating him until his soul core is rotten and he's nothing but an empty shell too afraid of his own shadow.


A man who was once a figure of the community, a leader, a voice - diminished to a pithy, unloved and transparent failure. Trapped in a loveless marriage and unwilling to leave for the fear of rocking the boat and ending up with nothing. Just another element of the coward he has now become.

(Le Femme - 30 x 40cm - 15mm deep)


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